Raising funds on campus: Universities getting involved

As a youth-run organization, ACCESS encourages schools and youth organizations to get involved in raising awareness and raising funds for education projects in the developing world.

While offering Educational Presentations and Educator Resources to elementary and secondary schools, ACCESS also works to raise funds and increase involvement in the post-secondary level. Events from two Ontario university campuses are highlighted below, recognizing their efforts and encouraging future involvement from schools.

Events at Laurier University raise funds and awareness

In the fall semester of 08-09, Wilfred Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario hosted two events in support of ACCESS.

Drawing much excitement from students was the Throw Whip Cream at Your Profs event. On another day, there was a Starbucks Coffee Sale on campus, with all proceeds benefiting ACCESS. The funds raised have been donated directly towards ACCESS projects in the developing world.

These fundraisers were organized by XLerate Business Club, a student-driven organization focused on developing key skills that are critical for success both in university and the business world. It is Laurier's largest student organization, providing resources such as seminars and leadership opportunities.

University students raise funds in Toronto residence

The Residence Council at 89 Chestnut Residence, which houses University of Toronto and OCAD students among others, fundraised for ACCESS in the in the 08-09 academic year.

The funds were raised through a Floor Competition, with residents on 24 floors competing by donating coins into jars assigned to each floor. As per the competition's rules, paper bills deducted points when placed in another floor's jar - as an incentive to donate more. Details were posted online here.

The Residence Council also dedicated an additional fundraising event to ACCESS. For Valentine's Day, Candy Grams were sold and delivered to students within the residence in February 2009.

Looking for ways to fundraise for ACCESS this year?
Visit this year's school campaign at accesscharity.ca/phanuel

ACCESS: Allowing Children a Chance at Education, Inc. is a youth-run organization aiming to provide needy children in the developing world with school uniforms and necessary school supplies, enabling them with the opportunity to obtain an education for a successful life. ACCESS also aims to educate North American youth about related world issues, and to inspire them to make a difference globally. For more information and resources, please visit www.accesscharity.ca.

Media Inquiries: Kody Robinson, Public Relations Coordinator

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