ACCESS to participate in Youth Can Move the World Symposium 2009

Last February, ACCESS: Allowing Children a Chance at Education was featured at an inspiring youth event in Mississauga, Ontario. With ACCESS founder Daniel Francavilla presenting the keynote speech, and dedicated volunteers operating an ACCESS info booth, the event was a great opportunity to showcase and promote youth activism. On February 21, 2009, the Youth Can Move the World Symposium will once again welcome hundreds of local youth, along with ACCESS and several other non-profit organizations to the event.

The Youth Can Move the World Symposium is a free, one-day event, open to all youth in Peel Region (Ontario, Canada) age 15 to 25. The event includes an Agency Fair which allows local, non-profit organizations to showcase their services, programs and volunteer opportunities to youth.

Youth Can Move the World is inspired by the United Nations declaration of the years 2005-2014 as the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. This non-profit group organizes the symposium for youth to learn about and become involved in programs focused on creating a world that is socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable. It is also designed to encourage and enable youth to engage with community-based organizations to explore opportunities to transform their interests into action through volunteerism.

Peel’s first Youth Can Move the World Symposium was held in 2006, and the 2008 event, supported by a grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, welcomed over 250 youth and 24 agencies.

For more information on this year's event, please visit To read an article about ACCESS' participation in last year's event, click here.

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